Monday, August 24, 2020

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Essay

A bond between a dad and a child is hallowed, and is without a doubt one of the most firm bonds that have ever existed. At the point when such a bond is cut off, a ton of outrage can be incited, most presumably as retribution. All through â€Å"Hamlet† by Shakespeare, one can watch the subject of retribution exemplified by the principle legend, Hamlet, Laertes, and the youthful Fortinbras, plotting their vengeance against the killers of their dads. Hamlet is the first of the three to design his retribution. While in grieving of the ongoing, puzzling passing of his dad, the lord, he is reached by a soul, which looks to some extent like his dad. At the point when the apparition discloses to Hamlet that the new ruler, Claudius, is answerable for his father’s murder, Hamlet announces that he will exist to retaliate for the passing of his dad. He will do the ghost’s demand: â€Å"Thy charge isolated will live/Within the book and volume of my brain† (I.V.102-103). In spite of the fact that Hamlet has guaranteed vengeance, his activities are deferred. Hamlet concludes that his retribution must sit tight for some time. He has understood that the apparition he has reached may basically have been an abhorrent soul driving him to punishment. Rather than totally accepting the phantom, he chooses to set up Claudius so as to get his inner voice: â€Å"The soul I have seen/Maybe a villain/†¦Abuses me to damn me. I’ll have grounds/More relative than this. The play’s the thing/Wherein I’ll get the soul of the king† (II.II.594-601). Hamlet’s plot for acquiring strong proof for sentencing the ruler is to have a play. The premise of the play will be a basic reenactment of the homicide of Old Hamlet. Both Hamlet and his confided in counsel, Horatio, will watch Claudius for his response. This will give him adequate motivation to murder Claudius. Hamlet’s plan for the play shows his dread of being enticed by the fallen angel into perdition. This shows his strict convictions once more. The main case of his confidence are in Act I when he is hesitant to end it all inspired by a paranoid fear of the subsequent after life: â€Å"O this too soiled substance would liquefy/. . .Or on the other hand that the Everlasting had not fix’d/His ordinance ‘gainst self-slaughter† (I.II.129-132). These strict convictions of Hamlet will demonstrate to have a major influence in his retribution plot, and will slow down it. The following piece of Hamlet’s plot for vengeance includes his general demeanor. He chooses to go about as though frantic so as to talk and act openly. Any unusual conduct can be made look like his transitory craziness. Along these lines he can say and get things done to get certain responses or data from individuals so as to assist him with plotting his vengeance. He asks in any case, that his colleagues don't utter a word about his insane state being bogus: â€Å"How odd or odd some’er I bear myself/As I perchance in the future will figure meet/To put a trick attitude/That you, at such time seeing me, never will/Or by articulating of some dicey phrase† (I.V.179-183). This permits him to encourage his vengeance. Later in the play in Act 3, Hamlet has an upsetting experience with his previous love, Ophelia. During this warmed conversation Hamlet discovers that she presently has harsh sentiments toward him and gives him back his endowments. He snaps and releases all the developed displeasure and feeling and sharpness that he has been as of late inclination. Be that as it may, he additionally says something that is proposed for Claudius to hear. It is a danger that will play into his employ for vengeance. Hamlet broadcasts that of â€Å"those that are hitched effectively everything except one-will live† (III.I.150). This clear danger coordinated toward Claudius is without a doubt caught and starts to stress Claudius as arranged. Claudius chooses to make a move to secure himself. He no longer accepts that Hamlet is distraught with adoration: â€Å"Love? His expressions of love don't unreasonably way tend/Nor what he spake, however it lack’d structure a bit/†¦There’s something in his spirit/O’er which his despairing sits on brood/And I do question the incubate and the uncover/Will be some peril; which for ! to forestall/†¦he will with speed to England† (III.I.164-171). Claudius presently associates that Hamlet is dubious with him, which Hamlet accepts will make him plan something for demonstrate his blame, subsequently permitting Hamlet to do his retribution. Hamlet at that point makes his next stride in retribution by having the play carried on. Hamlet and Horatio will both watch Claudius all through the play. Hamlet understands that there is no hellfire for him to go to, yet to simply transform into dust upon his demise. This is another progression in the movement of Hamlet’s vengeance. The last advance of inspiration in Hamlet’s retribution comes during the fencing match among Hamlet and Laertes. The sovereign beverages from the king’s cup that has been harmed to execute Hamlet. She falls and announces she has been harmed: â€Å"O my dear Hamlet/The beverage, the beverage! I am poison’d† (V.II.315-316). Laertes at that point discloses to Hamlet everything including how he has harmed Hamlet: â€Å"Hamlet, thou workmanship killed/No medication on the planet can do thee great; In thee there isn't a large portion of an hour’s life/The tricky instrument is in thy hand/Unbated and envenom’d/. . .Thy mother poison’d/I can no more. The King-the King’s to blame† (V.II.319-226). Hamlet has at long last been propelled enough to act. The lord has harmed his mom and father, and attempted to slaughter Hamlet moreover. Hamlet at that point vindicates his father’s demise by injuring the lord with the harmed blade: â€Å"The point envenom’d as well! At that point, venom, to thy work/Wounds the King† (V.II.127). Hamlet has accomplished the vengeance that he has made arrangements for the whole play. Be that as it may, he should now retaliate for his mother’s passing so he powers the ruler to drink from the harmed cup: â€Å"Here, thou perverted, murd’rous, doomed Dane/Drink off this elixir. Is thy association here?/Follow my mother† (V.II.330-333). By harming the lord twice, Hamlet has rebuffed Claudius for both the killings of his mom and his dad. Hamlet at long last got his retribution however kicked the bucket all the while. The middle thoughts of the play are the vengeances of Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras. All had gotten the vengeance that they had needed. All had retaliated for their father’s passings. Be that as it may, all did it in altogether various ways. Hamlet required a significant stretch of time to finish the vengeance, he is a man of examined inaction. Laertes adopted an alternate strategy to vindicate and achieved it in a fairly short measure of time. Laertes is a man of uncontemplated activity. Fortinbras, not quite the same as the others, trusted that the correct second will act. He painstakingly arranged what he would do over an extensive stretch of time and afterward held on to act. Fortinbras is a man of thought about activity. Each of the three achieved their retributions Hamlet slaughtered Claudius, his dads killer; Laertes executed Hamlet, his dads killer; and Fortinbras didn't need to slaughter Hamlet the child of his father’s killer, however he took over the th! rone. All individuals bowed on retribution in Hamlet, achieved it, making the play a vengeance play.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Space Weather Essay Example for Free

Space Weather Essay Space climate is the thing that occurs in space and how it influences the Earths climate. Despite the fact that in space it may not resemble a major thing however when those impacts arrive at Earth it can have a tremendous effect on the Earths climate. It can cause catastrophic events, for example, floods, tropical storms, and so on. Space climate doesnt simply influence the Earths climate however it can likewise influence new innovation. Its been causing issues with new innovation as ahead of schedule as when the message was developed in the nineteenth century. Sun based flares can upset force matrices, impede high-recurrence aircraft and military correspondences, disturb GPS signals, interupt non military personnel interchanges, and so forth. Space climate can cover the Earths environment with a risky and hazardous radiation. Indeed, even the innovation we utilize like traffic lights, mobile phones, road lights, and so forth could be influenced by a sun based flare. Besides stuff like sun powered flares have been occuring all the more regularly since an Earth-wide temperature boost began to turn out to be increasingly frightful. This is a direct result of the measure of carbon dioxide in the air alongside different gases and these gases are caught in the Earths climate and the more gases are caught in the air the less gases are let out into space. This can make issues like species eradication, flooding around seaside regions, make seasons longer then they ought to be, increasingly visit and extreme tempests, and change temperature designs. Alongside sun powered flares, sun based breezes can likewise influence the Earhs climate. This is on the grounds that the extreme billows of high vitality particles which are frequently made by sunlight based tempests and advance toward Earth in around 3 to 4 days it crashes into the Earths attractive field. The particles enters Earths attractive field close to both north and south posts. At the point when that happens it causes numerous issues with innovation. Like sun based flares and sun oriented breezes attractive tempests can likewise make harm our lifestyle on Earth espically now since we depend on innovation to such an extent. Attractive tempests can siphon extra electricty into our electrical cables and pipelines causing power outages and gas spills. For instance, in March 1989 an attractive tempest caused a thirty-6,000,000 transformer in New Jersey fallen the whole force framework in Quebec, Canada. At the point when that happened it left 6,000,000 individuals without power. Space climate can likewise be unsafe for space explorers. For instance, in the middle of the trips for both Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 an extraordinary sun based flare happened. This would have killed the space explorers on board Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 in the event that they had been en route to go to the moon during that time. These are only a portion of the numerous things on how space climate can influence the Earth and the Earths climate. Just to remind you space climate is the thing that occurs in space and how it influences the Earth and its climate. It can have a colossal effect on Earths climate and Earth despite the fact that in space it may not resemble a serious deal. These are a few different ways space climate influences the Earth and its climate.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

How Teens Get Alcohol From Parents and Friends

How Teens Get Alcohol From Parents and Friends Addiction Alcohol Use Print How Teens Manage to Get Their Hands on Alcohol By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on September 23, 2019 Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Most adolescents find obtaining alcohol very easy and one reason is many of them get their alcohol from a convenient source: their own homes. Teens often find easy access to alcohol because it is readily available in their home. And a study found that a shocking number of parents and other adults provide alcohol to this generation of underage drinkers. The survey, conducted by the American Medical Association, explored not only the availability of alcohol to teens but also looked at the parental opinions and behaviors regarding providing alcohol to teenagers. Parents Commonly Supply Alcohol to Kids From a public health standpoint, these findings are frankly disturbing, said J. Edward Hill, M.D., president of the AMA. While it is of great concern to see how easily teens, especially young girls, get alcohol, it is alarming to know that legal-age adults, even parents, are supplying the alcohol. The poll, which surveyed teens aged 13-18, discovered that nearly half reported having obtained alcohol at some point. In all age groups, girls nearly always ranked higher than boys in obtaining alcohol. Policies and Laws Are Often Ignored In the adult poll, about one out of four U.S. parents with children, aged 12-20 (26 percent), said that they agree that teens should be able to drink at home with their parents present. Policies and law enforcement efforts to stop minors from obtaining alcohol are important, but this data reveals how easily avoided those policies and laws can be when legal-aged buyers are the leading source of alcohol for children, said Hill. And even parents who do not buy for their children could be unwitting sources if their alcohol at home is left unsecured. Why Its Easy for Teens to Get Alcohol Two out of three teens, aged 13-18, said it is easy to get alcohol from their homes without parents knowing about it. One third responded that it is easy to obtain alcohol from their own parents knowingly, which increases to 40 percent when it is from a friends parent. And one in four teens has attended a party where minors were drinking in front of parents. Parents allowing underage children to drink under their supervision are under a dangerous misperception, said Hill. Injuries and car accidents after such parent-hosted parties remind us that no parent can completely control the actions of intoxicated youth, during or after a party. And the main message children hear is that drinking illegally is okay. Other key findings of the two polls include: Nearly one in four teens, aged 13-18, and one in three girls, aged 16-18, say their own parents have supplied them with alcohol, and teens who have obtained alcohol reported that, in the past six months, parents were the suppliers three times on average.While 71 percent of parents with children, aged 12-20, disagreed with the statement that teen drinking was okay if a parent were present, 76 percent think it is likely that teenagers get alcohol from someones parentâ€"and they knew about it.One out of four parents of children, aged 12-20 (25 percent), say they have allowed their teens to drink with their supervision in the past six months. Approximately one in 12 (8 percent) indicated they have allowed their teens friends to also drink under their supervision in the past six months.While only eight percent of parents of children aged 12-20 indicated that they allowed their teen and his/her friends to drink with supervision in the past six months, 21 percent of teens attended a party w here the alcohol was provided by someone elses parents. And 27 percent of teens attended a party where youth were drinking with parents present. This discrepancy suggests parents are unaware that other parents are allowing their own children to drink. The AMA applauds parents who discourage and disallow underage drinking, said Hill. We hope that such parents willing to stand up for their childrens health will be more vocal in their communities, letting children and other parents know that no adult should substitute their judgment for a teens own parents. Drinking is not a rite of passage. Fatal car accidents, injuries and assaults, and irreversible damage to the brain are not rites of passage for any child. Teenagers Must Be Educated About the Risks of Alcohol Use The AMA said the poll results underscore the need for physicians to counsel parents on the health risks of alcohol use, as well as to advocate for policies to restrict access to minors. Alcohol is everywhere, said Steven Harris, a 14-year-old from San Bruno, California. Young people see ads everywhere. We see drinking on TV and in the movies, and we see it at parties and at home. And it is probably harder for teens to get into an R-rated movie than to get alcohol. Its a joke.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What Are The Four Leadership Styles Of Path Goal Theory Of...

RESEARCH ESSAY – LISA SPRATLING – S4569532 Topic: It is said that many companies are over managed and under led. Define leadership and explain what the path-goal theory of leadership is. Identify the four leadership styles of path-goal theory and explain when they are most appropriately used. Managers and leaders are both important individuals to have in an organisation, but it is important that the balance of management and leadership are at the right levels to ensure the business is running at its finest (Williams, McWilliams Lawrence 2017). Managers and leaders along with leadership and management differ in many ways, however they are both necessary to an organisation; path-goal theory being one form of leadership that relates†¦show more content†¦Managers focus on productivity and efficiency of employees, whereas leaders focus on the goals and objectives, vision and mission of the business (Williams, McWilliams Lawrence 2017). Another difference that managers and leaders have is that leaders endeavour to inspire and motivate others to come up with solutions to problems, managers on the other hand solve the problems so that others can do their work (Williams, McWilliams Lawrence 2017). Important traits that a leader normally has include cognitive ability, d rive, emotional stability, honesty and integrity, knowledge of the business, self-confidence and the desire to lead (Williams, McWilliams Lawrence 2017). These traits have been discovered through the trait theory being that leaders that are effective all possess a similar set of traits, usually being those above (Williams, McWilliams Lawrence 2017). According to Dalakoura (2010, p. 433) ‘†¦leaders are responsible for building organisations in which people continually expand their capacity to learn, to understand complexity and to set the vision for the organisation.’ It is however essential that managers and leaders are both present within an organisation, as without one the balance to attain goals and run smoothly will be lost. The path-goal leadership theory states thatShow MoreRelatedIt Is Said That Many Companies Are over Managed and Under Led. Define Leadership and Explain What the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Is. Identify the Four Leadership Styles of Path-Goal Theory and Explain When They Are Most Appropriately Used.1312 Words   |  6 Pagesfree will and thinking, work and etc. Leaders will have different leadership styles to manage and lead their employees which are identified by the path–goal theory of leadership. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Bullying At The State Of Nevada - 1989 Words

We all might still recall back to our school days and the bully on the playground making recess intolerable for some; or perhaps in the lunch room bully who helped themselves to our desserts. That bully might have ended up in the principal’s office, but likely not much more became of them. Bullies have always been around, but now they have changed their preferred tactics. With the growth of technology making our ordinary lives simpler, criminals and bullies have also used technology to aid them in their transgressions. Many bullies have advanced to become cyber-bullies and their chosen scare tactic makes use of computers, cellular phones, or some other type of communications device. What then is the actual definition of the act of bullying? Bullying in the State of Nevada is defined as carrying out actions that may be â€Å"highly offensive to a reasonable person† and intended to â€Å"cause the student to suffer harm or serious emotional distress† (Cyberbul ly tactics are focus of state law, 2010). Cyber bullying elsewhere is bullying by means of electronic communication (Cyberbully tactics are focus of state law, 2010). In Texas, bullying means engaging in written or verbal expression or physical conduct that will physically harm another student or student’s property, or is persistent enough to create an intimidating or threatening educational environment for a student (Grobe, 2012). These definitions are typical of those used in other states. Advances inShow MoreRelatedTypes of Bullying Behavior742 Words   |  3 PagesHow many of you know someone that has been a victim of bullying? or have been victims of a bully? Statistically schools students have a one in seven chance of being on the receiving end of a bullies rage (NBNBD). In the United States, there is an estimated 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students (NEA), but what are the contributing factors in school violence? What and why do bullies to want to inflict pain on someone? We need to find theRead MoreThe Effects Of Workplace Bullying On Workplace Essay907 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many reasons workplace bullying is costly and preventable. Workplace bullying can occur among all people and different venues. In school and business, practicing bullying it is unlikely to conducive positive performance and it is costly and preventable. The key is creating a positive work environment where bullying is not rewarded. Senior management and executives should take control of stopping workplace bullying and realizing it is possible for employee and employer to work together toRead MoreConnecting Sociological Theory and Social Issues1046 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelopment with their traditions and experiences known nation-wide. Alpha Phi Gamma was the first Asian Greek sorority in the state of Nevada to be established. Fraternities and Sororities are very common to this day and age to a re gular state university that there is many information in regards to them. For the state of Nevada, University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) even states on their school campus website â€Å"Members of fraternities and sororities commit to lifelong participation in their organizationRead MoreSuicide Is A Bigger Problem?1109 Words   |  5 Pages In the west, this is obvious because of the lack of people. Sociologist Matt Wray, of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, told Freakonomics Radio, â€Å"The Intermountain West is a place that is disproportionately populated by middle-aged white men, single, unattached, often unemployed, with access to guns.† This area of the United States is composed of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. This region is also referred to as the â€Å"Suicide Belt.† Suicide isRead MoreEssay Workplace Violence in Nursing890 Words   |  4 Pagesdifficult for nurses to work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the position of the American Nurses Association (ANA) advocate that every nursing professional have the right to work in a healthy work environment free of abusive behavior such as bullying, hostility, lateral abuse and violence, sexual harassment, intimidation, abuse of authority and position and reprisal for speaking out against abuses (American Nurses Association, 2012). Therefore, this position statement is relevant becauseRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Organizational Assessment Paper Is1680 Words   |  7 PagesMedicaid managed care and private insurance concerns, and community outreach. I work with clients ranging in age from 3 to 75, providing services in specialized topics such as autism, emotional disturbance, divorce, Healthy Bodies/Healthy Minds, bullying, and self-esteem. Additionally, I have been a member of a Rapid Response Team through HBI since November 2013. In this capacity, I provide psychological assessments to individuals presenting in area emergency rooms to determine treatment efficacyRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Be Required For Their Freedom Of Expression1548 Words   |  7 Pageslimits what the children can wear, but do not make them all wear the same outfit. There are many positives to this idea. It is said to increase academic and discipline and even safety within the schools. Uniforms can decrease social competition and bullying, and also can make getting ready easier. In Hungary for instance, there is only a few schools that require their students to wear uniforms, thus representing them as the same. However, most all the schools require some sort of a dress-code regulationRead MoreCyberbullying: The New Form of Bullying Essay1671 Words   |  7 Pages Forty- three percent of teens have experienced cyber bullying in their life (â€Å"43 percent†). Bullying has changed so much throughout the years; it went from calling teens malicious things to their faces, to saying vile things on the computer. Cyber bullying is a colossal problem with teens, and it is hard to escape because of all the technology that surrounds them. Cyber bullying is in complex to do, especially with all the technology teens can use. Teens can send instant messages or text messagesRead MorePreventing Cyber-Bullying And Trolling1547 Words   |  7 Pagesfateful and heartbreaking Facebook status would follow (Cloud). Unfortunately, stories like Tyler’s have become more common as bullying has made the leap from the playground to the massive new world of social media. With forty percent of teenagers using social media claiming they have been cyber bullied at least once (Billitteri â€Å"Cyberbullying†), the trend of teenage bullying through social media has become harder to ignore. The anonymity of online profiles has contributed to the rise of cyberbullyingRead MoreSchool Uniforms And The American Civil Liberties Union Of Nevada1053 Words   |  5 PagesTraditionally favored by charter and private schools, and institutions of the like, school uniforms are being introduced to public schools at an increasing rate. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to express oneself; The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada states that having a choice in clothing is â€Å"†¦Crucial form of self-expression.† The ACLU also argues that â€Å"allowing students to choose their clothing is an empowering message from the schools that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Non-Intervention Free Essays

The doctrine or Principal of Non-Interference and humanitarian intervention and their legitimacy/illegitimacy in international law of human rights has long been a subject of debate and has captured a lot of attention. The critical issue in any debate on humanitarian intervention is the need to balance intervention with the principle of sovereignty, which in essence requires that a sovereign state be treated as an independent political unit, its territorial integrity be respected, and it be allowed to pursue its domestic affairs without external interference. Indeed, the issue is a conflict between the ban on the use of force and respect for sovereignty on the one hand, and the duty to uphold and promote human rights on the other. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Intervention or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Negeri, 2011)Should the emphasis be on preventing the use of force between states and maintaining stable relations between them or does the protection of citizens’ fundamental rights deserve priority? The relationship between these two interests is complicated and need more attention and effort to do research and examine the topic itself. This paper will address the tension between state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention. Both form an essential part of the international order based on the UN charter and both are of great importance.State sovereignty and Non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states One of the fundamental principles of a state or nation which acts as will to drives its affairs forward and gives some form of control over its domestic or territorial affairs is principle of state sovereignty. It is the foundation of inter-state relations and the basis of the modern world order. Most of the basic standards, rules and practices of international relations have grounded on the premise of state sovereignty. The original meaning of sovereignty is related to the idea of supremacy. According to Wikipedia, Sovereignty is the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. (Wikipedia contributors, 2018) How to cite Non-Intervention, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Wuthering Heights Essays (784 words) - British Films,

Wuthering Heights The setting and descriptions of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange that Emily Bront? uses throughout her novel, Wuthering Heights, helps to set the mood for describing Heathcliff and Cathy. The cold, muddy, and barren moors separate the two households. Each house stands alone, in the midst of the dreary land, but the atmospheres of the two estates are quite different. This difference helps explain the personalities and bond of Cathy and Heathcliff. Wuthering Heights, which represents Hell, is always in a state of storminess. The Heights and its surroundings depict the coldness, darkness, and evil associated with Hell. This parallels Heathcliff. He symbolizes the cold, dark, and dismal house. The author uses parallel personifications to depict specific parts of the house as analogues to Heathcliff's face. Bront? describes the windows of the Heights as deeply set in the wall. Similarly, Heathcliff has deep-set dark eyes. Alongside with this association, Bront?'s title of her book holds definite meaning. The very definition of "wuthering" is "to dry up, shrivel, or wilt as from decay" ("Wuthering," WordSmyth Collaboration). The inhabitants, especially Heathcliff and Cathy, cause the decay of themselves and bring "storminess" to the house. On the other hand, the Grange; with all its richness; depicts wonderful Heaven. Thrushcross Grange, in contrast to the bleak exposed farmhouse, stands in the valley and has none of the grim features of the Earnshaw's home. Light and warmth fills the Grange; it is the appropriate home of the children of the calm. Wuthering Heights, however, is always full of activity, sometimes to the point of chaos. Brave Cathy, a child of the storm, tries to tie these two worlds of storm and calm together. Despite the fact that she occupies a position midway between the two worlds, Catherine is a product of the moors. She belongs in a sense to both worlds and is torn between Heathcliff and Linton. Catherine does not "like" Heathcliff, yet loves him with all of the strength of her being. For he, like her, is a child of the storm; this makes a bond between them, and interweaves itself with the very nature of their existence. In a sublime passage, she tells Nelly that she loves Heathcliff: ...not because he's handsome Nelly, but because he's more myself then I am. Whatever or souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.... My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff?he's always, always in my mind; not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being." (Bront? 86, 87.) Despite the fact that she loves only Heathcliff, she marries Edgar Linton to try to place Heathcliff "out of [his] brother's power" (Bront? 87). Cathy's"duty" toward Heathcliff forms in their bond when they grew up together. Their bond ties them to each other, and to the shared love of nature; the rocks, stones, trees, the heavy skies and eclipsed sun, which encompasses them. This"binding" makes Heathcliff inseparable from Cathy. This is shown when he runs off after hearing Cathy's degrading comments about why she will not marry him. Heathcliff symbolizes the raging storm he disappears into. Catherine, upon hearing that Heathcliff heard her comments, goes out to the road in search of him "where...the growling thunder, and the great drops that began to splash around her, she remained calling, at intervals, and then listening, and then crying outright" (Bront? 89). This symbolism proves that the relationship and the internal bond that Cathy and Heathcliff have ties in closely with nature. The contrast of these two houses adds much to the meaning of the novel, and without it, the story would not be the interesting, complex novel that it is without the contrast between the two estates. The contrast between them is more than physical, rather these two houses represent opposing forces that embody the inhabitants. This contrast

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Biography of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow essays

Biography of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow essays Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine. He was the son of Stephen Longfellow and Zilpah Wadsworth Longfellow. The lives of the harbor workers and fisherman surrounding him as a boy in the Portland Seaport made him very curious about what exactly goes on. Henry was sent to start his education at the age of three. At the age of 6, his family received a letter from the school concerning Henrys academic ability, it stated, "Master Henry Longfellow is one of the best boys we have in school. He spells and reads very well. He can also add and multiply numbers. His conduct last quarter was very correct and amiable." It was pretty obvious at the start of his education Henry had an unusual talent for recognizing sounds and words. A lot of that is thought to be achieved on behalf of Henrys mother, who read to his brothers and sisters and him, the high romance of Ossian, the heroic Gaelic. Washington Irving's 'Sketch Book' has said to have influenced Henry the most. A quote from Henry later on in life states, "Every reader has his first book. I mean to say, one book among all others which in early youth first fascinates his imagination, and at once excites and satisfies the desires of his mind. To me, the first book was the 'Sketch Book' of Washington Irving." After graduating from Bowdoin College at the age of 19, Longfellow set out on a trip to study and travel around the world. He had been asked by the college to become the first professor of modern languages and was given time to travel. He returned to the US in 1829. At age 22, he became a college professor. In 1831, he married Mary Storer Potter, a peer of his he had known throughout his school career. He was asked by Harvard to come teach there and set out for Europe to study. His wife came along with him but died in Rotterdam. He moved to Cambridge and started his new job at Harvard alone. He worked diligently after his wife&a...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Using the Preterite Perfect Tense in Spanish

Using the Preterite Perfect Tense in Spanish The preterite perfect tense is unusual in Spanish, and you  are unlikely to hear it in everyday speech nor have a need, in most situations, to use it. But you should be aware of how it is used in case you come across it in literature or historical accounts. Except when a writer is seeking a literary effect or providing a bad translation from English, the preterite perfect is seldom used in modern writing. Key Takeaways: Preterite Perfect Tense The preterite perfect tense is formed by using the preterite form of haber followed by a past participle.The preterite perfect is not common in modern Spanish, being mainly used for literary effect.In its historical use, the preterite perfect was often used to provide a sense of immediacy of action. How To Use the Preterite Perfect The preterite perfect, also known as the anterior perfect or the  pretà ©rito anterior  in Spanish, is formed by using the  preterite  of  haber  followed by the  past participle. It is used to refer to an event that was completed immediately prior to another event in the past, and thus it is usually used in sentences that also include use of another verb past tense. In other words, a verb in the preterite perfect is almost never the only verb in a sentence. Here is an excerpt from  Cervantes Don Quijote to illustrate:  Apenas  hubo dicho  esto el cristiano cautivo, cuando el jinete se arrojà ³ del caballo y vino a abrazar al mozo.  (The Christian captive had barely said this when the horseman leaped off his horse and came to hug the lad.) Note that the act of saying something (hubo dicho) immediately preceded a past action of hugging the lad. As in the examples below, use of the preterite perfect follows a phrase or word with a time element. Regardless of the specific words used, the word or phrase can be translated as something that means as soon as or immediately after, as that sense of immediacy is conveyed by the verb tense. And while the preterite perfect frequently is translated using an English perfect tense (one using had and the participle), it is often fine to translate using the simple preterite. There seems to be little difference, for example, in meaning between as soon as I saw it and as soon as I had seen it, so feel free to use whichever sounds better. Examples of the Preterite Perfect in Use Y luego que yo la  hube visto, caà ­ sobre mi rostro.  (And as soon as I saw it, I fell upon my face.)Cuando  hubo comprendido  esto no pudo evitar echar un vistazo al chico.  (Once he understood this he could not avoid glancing at the boy.)Una vez que  hubimos encontrado  un rbol que daba sombra, me ayudà ³ a sentarme en el pasto.  (Once we found a tree that provided shade, he helped me get seated in the grass.)Una vez  hube conocido  varios pueblos de la provincia, decidà ­ escaparme al Sur.  (Once I had met some peoples from the province, I decided to flee to the South.)Cuando todos los dioses  hubieron muerto, Tonatiuh, el sol, comenzà ³ su interminable camino por el firmamento.  (When all the gods died, Tonatiuh, the sun, began his eternal journey through the firmament.()Cuando  hube sabido  del budismo sabà ­a bien lo que era el dharma.  (As soon as I knew about Buddhism, I knew what the dharma was.)

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Sustainable Development - Essay Example This paper will review the current state of sustainability literature. Secondly, Harrison’s framework will be outlined. Next, the differences in approach to sustainability by two UK organizations will be detailed. The implications of these theories in regard to ecological education will by highlighted. Next, the implications of the approaches with regard to Harrison’s theory shall be evaluated in regard to setting international policy of sustainable development. Finally, a conclusion will synthesize the main points of this paper, present recommendations for future research directions, and emphasise the importance for ecological education in 21st century living. Gaining momentum during the early 1970s, the concept and application of environmental literacy has achieved depth and comprehensiveness, and has been adopted into education systems of many industrial and developing nations. This means that a person has the ability to successfully interact with their environment o n a daily basis with a general understanding of how societies and other individuals interact with each other, as well as other parts of the natural world, in a sustainable way. To achieve this awareness and motivation to act requires knowledge, skills and competencies that foster an attitude of environmental consideration in day-to-day lifestyles (Campaign for Environmental Literacy [CFEL], 2005). Humans have been remiss in the application of environmental knowledge and some attribute this to a deep believe within industrial cultures that nature is an object to be used, exploited and profited from. Unfortunately, this mindset

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Case 1-3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case 1-3 - Assignment Example Consumer behavior can be applied in the personal life experiences in relation to the preferences and choices. Basically, they apply in those products that we tend to buy over and over again without much thought about the other competitive similar products in the market. It is also related to the willingness of a consumer to switch to another brand or stick to a particular brand over the ages. This is even shown by the rejection of other brands that may have been introduced by the same company as a mode of improvement of the initial and established brand (Costanzo, 2012). 2. Although the same consumers that purchase goods and services are humans, there is a great difference in their actions and conducts in relation to the preferences and modes of selection. Since the consumer behaviors involve the use, disposal and reuse of goods and services, it is a representation of the many facets of human behavior. There are thus several features that are related in both human behavior and consumer behavior. For instance, personality and the social class play a vital role in determining how both humans and consumers behave. Thus it is the principles of human psychology such as scarcity, authority and consistency that shape consumer behavior. Human beings in general have the tendency to choose from what is offered in life. However, on the other hand, consumers tend to choose what they want because most of the time they are the bosses who make the decisions on what they want for themselves. In this sense, human behavior can change from time to time. Nonetheless, consumer behavior is more of permanent and takes a lot of effort to change. Another difference is that consumer behavior is based on perception, learning and personality while human behavior is based on availability. 3. There are a number of factors that would have led to the failure on the introduction part of the New coke and the OK coke. One of the major factors would have been the need to

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Threats to Quality Web Designs Network System (QWD)

Threats to Quality Web Designs Network System (QWD) Executive Summary The main purpose of this report is to existent the potential security threats that aspects Quality Web Designs network system (QWD). QWD specializes in website and web content design for dissimilar types of business and any type of security threat can significantly disturb its business operations. It is significant to uncover any potential vulnerabilities, assess potential threats, and the potentials of the threat happening. It is also vital to calculate what might happen to the business process and competitive edge of the company if the threat occurs. Two security vulnerabilities in both QWD security policies and software are deliberated in the report. Finally, we discuss the impact the security modifications have on the business process. Company Overview Quality Web Design (QWD) is an institute that focusses in the Web site and Web content design for all different types of businesses. QWDs assignment is to deliver best quality Web design that will increase consumer income to QWDs customer Web sites. QWDs database comprises over 250,000 branded images and graphical designs that will improve most Web sites demand to a goal demographic. QWD is able to offer its clients the capability to offer their audience a customized interface. Indifference lot of consistent services were delivered by Quality web Design Company to their customers in such a way that there wont be any security problems in the organization anymore. There were several limitations to every company and Quality web Design can overcome them. QWD superiorities itself in having their own web designers that use ritual scripts and applications. This sets the company apart from other competition. The company operates Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Service server to promise constant development of the site from start to end. The company also has its own payroll, marketing, and accounting departments which are significant to the business operations. Security Vulnerabilities Security Policy Vulnerability QWDs security policy does not discourse the topic of employees using company equipment such as the IPhones, Windows cell phones, and laptops for personal use. This should be lectured in an Acceptable Use Policy. By the company not making a policy, only for the company use only they are making the equipment, it grasses the company vulnerable to open occurrences. It is not impracticable to contemplate that employees do use company delivered equipment for personal use. Employees usage the devices to send and receive private emails through non-related company sites such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. They use the company devices to surf the web, shop for items, play games, download applications, get on social networks such as Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter, watch videos, and even listen to music. According to one site on employee internet use, employees spend about one-third of their time on the Internet for personal reasons. (Employee Internet Use) This means that out of a regular 40 hou r work week, employees are spending 13.33 hours doing personal Internet usage. This also relates to employees who offer their mobile numbers for personal use on the Internet. Sometimes sites need registration and things such as contact phone numbers must be included, Unfortunately, for some employees, the only number they have to use is the company issued mobile phone. It means that the employee is given that the company mobile phone as their point of contact number. This type of vulnerability delivers the prospect of pressures beside the company by not having a policy in place. The threat that can arise is if an employee downloads a virus, malware, or Trojan to their mobile phone, laptop, and even desktop. This is especially so for the remote devices because when these are connected to the Exchange server, it can infect the corporate network. If an employee is using their desktop to surf the Internet for private usage and they open an email sent by a contact that has a virus attached, it can infect the network. Another example is if an employee registers for something personal online, such as sweepstakes, this can be a problem. If a hacker gets a hold of the information, the hacker could send a text message that has instructions to download something that contains a virus. If an employee is under the guess that they have won something that they know they signed up for, many will not hesitate to download the link. Since devices such as mobile phones and laptops are used more often off site by employees, providing them more time to use for their personal use, it makes the risk highly likely. If statistics suggest that employees are on the Internet one-third of the time for private use at work, it would seem to be a lot higher when employees are at home or not at work. This means they are checking emails more often and downloading content which could be infected. They could even let family members and friends use their devices to access the Internet. Employee Internet Use editorial also conditions that over $85 billion is vanished each year by companies because employees are using company time to access the Internet for personal use. If anything the employee has downloaded and allowed to infect the company network, it is safe to say that number goes up. If infections are passed onto the network, it could halt business processes. In order to fix the problem, it would cause the company time and money. The company also has to try and assess how much and what type of damage was caused by the attack. It could also keep employees from accessing necessary applications, emails, and work on time sensitive projects. Software Vulnerability Agreeing to Microsoft Visual Studio (2008), the Team Foundations Server (TFS) is a software implement that offers project administration abilities, recording, work stalking, and source control. Team foundations server also holds a data warehouse where all data from testing implements, source control, and item tracking are stored. QWD customs TFS in its business routes as a warehouse of custom applications, procedural written scripts, and web site templates. The TFS warehouse contains a database code source, an application server, and a web server. QWDs TFS server is placed at their corporate office, though it can also be opened distantly by Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) tunnel connecting the corporate office to the database server. TFS has a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that may give an unofficial remote attacker admission to an application (Cisco, n.d.). XSS is in the list of the top 10 web application vulnerabilities and signifies 26 percent of assaults from a review done by the Open Web Application Security Project (Nithya, Pandian, Malarvizhi, 2015). The vulnerability is a result of not sufficient confirmation on user-supplied input in constraints referred to the exaggerated application. A remote attacker who has not been authenticated may use the vulnerability to convince a QWD user to follow a malicious link that leads to a malicious site and use deceptive instructions to convince the user to click the link. If the remote attacker is successful, they can execute cross-site scripting attacks and can motive severe security damages such as cookie hold up and account hijacking (Shar Tan, 2012). The vulnerability will result in insignificances to assignment serious business procedure since the attacker can increase access to QWDs intranet, Microsoft Share Point, the web server, and cookie-based validation. The assailant can delete or alter QWD website patterns and custom written scripts that are deposited on the server. In addition, QWDs competitive advantage will be exaggerated by the damage of integrity, loss of key customers and associates. Reserved data can be sold to competitors making QWD suffer losses and bear the cost of repair. Summary In any organization, the corporation must take into explanation any security matters that can offend the company, employees, and its customers. QWD must take into account the vulnerabilities related to its technological procedure and how it can mark the business. It is main to look at the software and security policy vulnerabilities and how to defend the company from any probable pressures and threats. It is supposed that by addressing the satisfactory use policy of company equipment for private use and the wireless access points of company laptops, this can aid in keeping the company network more secure. References Clancy, Heather. (2011). Mobile device security strategies. Retrieved on March 21, 2012, from Defending Cell Phones and PDAs Against Attack (2006 August 9). Retrieved on March 21, 2012, from Elliott, Christopher. (2011) Retrieved on April 10, 2012, from Employee Internet Use. Retrieved on March 29, 2012, from Evil Twin. Retrieved on April 4, 2012, from Hotspot Usage to Reach 120 Billion Connects by 2015, Says In-Stat (2011 August 29). Retrieved on March 29, 2012, from MiFiÂÂ ® 4082 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot. Retrieved from Mobile Broadband Cards. Retrieved on April 10, 2012, from Mobile Broadband Cards

Friday, January 17, 2020

How Does Hill Create a Sense of Isolation in the Woman in Black

The Woman in Black (TWIB) is a story about isolated people in an isolated place. Not least TWIB before she died. Janet Humfrye was isolated by her plight as a mother of an illegitimate child, which was frowned upon by society in the early 20th century when the story is set. Even the town’s people of Crithin Gifford were isolated on the marshes and almost described as though they lived in another dimension, another part of the world set apart from the rest of society. The sense of isolation runs like a thread right through the whole book. Hill does this by creating vivid pictures in the reader’s mind.She uses detailed descriptions or imagery with frequent use of metaphor, simili and personification techniques. She also uses short and effective phrases with repetition of words to help create the impact of the descriptions on the reader. Hill was a big fan of Dickens who also used this technique. Hill begins the story by describing the central character Kipps as a bit of a recluse living at Monks piece. She turns the story a full circle and finishes in the same place when Kipps has recounted the story of what happened to him in the marshes. The very name Monks Piece conjures up a reclusive monk living alone.Kipps has been living a quiet hermit like existence since buying Monks Piece in his middle age. Kipps describes himself as needing solitude in order to cope with his feelings. He describes himself as a ‘sombre pale complexioned man with a strained expression’ and ‘no taste at all for social life. ’ This is in stark contrast to his former self as the young Arthur Kipps who was keen, care free, innocent, ambitious and full of energy. The descriptions of Alice Drablow (AD) in a London Particular by Bentley give the impression of a lonely isolated woman.She is described as a ‘rum un’ by Bentley and lived like a recluse at Eel Marsh House when she was alive. Her only family lived abroad in India and had done so fo r 40 years. She is described as having ‘no friends or neighbours,’ her house was a few miles from the nearest town. â€Å"Living there† said Mr Bentley thoughtfully, â€Å"anyone might become rum†. In the journey North, Arthur KIpps (AK) expresses his sense of isolation when the branch line train to Crithin Gifford has stopped to wait for a passing train. I tried not to sound concerned but was feeling an unpleasant sensation of being isolated, far from any human dwelling and trapped in this cold tomb of a railway carriage. † Here Hill has used a metaphor by describing the train carriage as a cold tomb which gives a sense of forboding and forshadowing of death as well as isolation. The sighting s of TWIB at the funeral gives a picture of a lonely isolated figure. She appears and disappears without trace and stands away from the proceedings. The details of her appearance by Kipps also adds to this sense of her isolation. only the thinnest layer of fles h was tautly stretched and strained across her face. † In across the Causeway Hill uses the effect of sound throughout the chapter to create a sense of splendour and Isolation. â€Å"The only sounds I could hear above the trotting of the pony’s hooves and the rumble of the wheels and the creek of the cart were sudden harsh weird cries from birds near and far. † Kipps description of his journey across the Causeway adds to a sense of isolation. â€Å"Emptiness stretching for miles, the sense of space, the vastness of the sky above, passing no farm or cottage, no kind of dwelling house at all in three miles.All was emptiness. † The description of Eel Marsh house also adds to a sense of isolation. â€Å"Facing the whole wide expanse of Marsh and Estuary. † â€Å"Isolated, uncompromising but also handsome. † Kipps feels quite alone when he arrives at EM house. â€Å"Certainly I felt loneliness† â€Å" I felt quite alone outside that gaunt empty house. Hill’s use of repetition in short phrases helps the reader to empathise with the feelings of Kipps. â€Å"But for today I had had enough. Enough of the solitude and no sound, save the water and the moaning wind and the melancholy calls of the birds, enough of the monotonous greyness, enough of this gloomy old house. This all helps to add to a sense of the atmosphere and isolation that Kipps feels. When Kipps sets out on the causeway path back to Crithin Gifford he remarks, â€Å"I had never been quite so alone, nor felt quite so small and insignificant in a vast landscape. † At this point he is unaware that in minutes he will be shrouded in mist so that he can no longer see the house behind him or indeed see the path in front. Hill uses imagery throughout the book to create atmosphere, tension and vivid pictures in the readers mind. In the Pony & Trap chapter she describes the descending mist. â€Å"Like a damp clinging cobwebby thing. She writes â€Å" I felt confused by it, teased by it, as though it were made up of millions of live fingers that crept over me, hung on to me and shifted again. This makes it sound to the reader as though it were a live creature attacking Kipps. This adds to the tension, atmosphere and isolation that Kipps feels. He is far from anywhere and there is no one to call out to. Although Hill tells the story through the eyes of Kipps the central character ( or protagonist) in the book she is able to create a further sense of isolation through the use of dialogue between Kipps and the other characters.Kipps is made to feel alone and isolated in the task of Eel Marsh house and sorting AD’s affairs, by the responses he gets from the people of Crithin Gifford. Many were too terrified to get involved or even speak of TWIB or EMH. When Kipps for example asks Mr Jerome for the papers he replies, â€Å" There is no one. I am quite on my own. I cannot give you any help at all. † This dialogue helps to bring out the feelings of other characters and in this case Mr Jerome’s extreme fear of getting involved.For me the most isolated figure described in the book is Jannet Humfrye who when alive not only was isolated by her tragic situation but, the fact that she had developed a terrible wasting disease. The flesh had shrunk from her bones and ‘she looked like a walking skeleton, a living spectre. ’ Daily remarks to Kipps in a Packet of Letters, â€Å"When she went about the streets people drew back. † As a ghost she appears several times in the book, but in particular when she is first seen by Kipps the description of her is quite sympathetic compared with the evil described in further appearences.Despite her malevolent spirit we cannot help but feel some sympathy and sadness for her terrible plight. Hill balances our feelings towards her by telling her story through kipps dialogue with Daily. Almost every page of the book is filled with vivid descriptive w riting about characters, places and the weather. By creating a sense of isolation in this way Hill adds to the tension, the fear, the atmosphere and keeps the reader in suspense right the way through. By telling the story through Kipps we are drawn in to the rise and fall of his emotions. The reader effectively feels his fear, his tension and his sense of isolation. By Lucy Roberts

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Perfect Competition - 1463 Words

Perfect Competition In economic theory, perfect competition describes markets such that no participants are large enough to have the market power to set the price of a homogeneous product. Because the conditions for perfect competition are strict, there are few if any perfectly competitive markets. Still, buyers and sellers in some auction-type markets, say for commodities or some financial assets, may approximate the concept. Perfect competition serves as a benchmark against which to measure real-life and imperfectly competitive markets. Generally, a perfectly competitive market exists when every participant is a price taker, and no participant influences the price of the product it buys or sells. Specific characteristics may†¦show more content†¦In this way way it decides the market price as well as the total quantity if a commodity supplied in the market, and therefore it is called a price maker. Imperfect Competition In economic theory, imperfect competition is the competitive situation in any market where the sellers in the market sell different/dissimilar of goods, (haterogenous) that does not meet the conditions of perfect competition. Forms of imperfect competition include: * Monopoly, in which there is only one seller of a good. * Oligopoly, in which there are few sellers of a good. * Monopolistic competition, in which there are many sellers producing highly differentiated goods. * Monopsony, in which there is only one buyer of a good. * Oligopsony, in which there are few buyers of a good. * Information asymmetry when one competitor has the advantage of more or better information. There may also be imperfect competition due to a time lag in a market. An example is the â€Å"jobless recovery†. There are many growth opportunities available after a recession, but it takes time for employers to react, leading to high unemployment. High unemployment decreases wages, which makes hiring more attractive, but it takes time for new jobs to be created.A type of market that does not operate under the rigid rules of perfect competition. Perfect competition implies an industry or market in which no one supplier can influence prices, barriers to entryShow MoreRelatedPerfect Competition2278 Words   |  10 PagesPure Competition ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS 21-1 Briefly state the basic characteristics of pure competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. Under which of these market classifications does each of the following most accurately fit? (a) a supermarket in your hometown; (b) the steel industry; (c) a Kansas wheat farm; (d) the commercial bank in which you or your family has an account; (e) the automobile industry. In each case justify your classification. Pure competition:Read MorePerfect Competition and Monopoly1722 Words   |  7 PagesQuestion 3 Perfect Competition and Monopoly (a) I. Explain perfect competition and monopoly market structures, and identify the key factors that distinguish them. Perfect Competition Market In economic theory, the perfect competition is a market form in which no producer or consumer has the power to influence prices in the market. According to the website, in order to classify the market is a perfect competition market, the market must match below criteria: 1. ThereRead MoreCompetition : Perfect Competition Is An Economic Concept Essay1157 Words   |  5 Pages Question 7 Perfect competition: Perfect competition is an economic concept, there are lots of seller’s sells homogeneous products in the market and there are many buyers. There are no barriers to enter into the market. Furthermore both the buyers and sellers have good information regarding price so that sellers can offer a competitive price to the buyers and also buyers can compare the price to have the best choice. 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There are certain characteristics which describe the perfect competition, however the conditions are strict and someRead MoreWhy perfect competition is the best market structure2301 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ Why perfect competition Executive Summary This report provides information related to the four main market structures and why perfect competition is the most efficient. Features of four market structures and comparison of monopoly and perfect competition. Perfect completion is most efficient Subject matter Details Conclusions Introduction Market structure is best defined as the organizational and other characteristicsRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Perfect Competition1466 Words   |  6 Pagesthese important questions that will help the mayor understand the structures of many of the businesses in his city: Describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly) and discuss two of the market characteristics of each market structure. Perfect competition describes a marketplace that no one participant can set the market price of an exchangeable product. This is generally considered an ideal, rarely found in markets todayRead MoreWhat Is Perfect Competition Promotes Market Efficiencies1670 Words   |  7 PagesMarkets are typically divided into four sectors; perfect competition, pure monopolies, monopolistic competition and oligopolies. There are two factors that influence which sector an industry fits into, one being the number of competing firms and the other being barriers to entry. Commensurate with these are different pricing options and strategies undertaken by various firms to reach optimal profit maximization. Altogether, each market contains specific intricacies which effect supply and demandRead MorePerfect Competition vs Monopoly1378 Words   |  6 PagesMS (perfect competition) Vs Thames Water (monopoly) At one end is perfect competition where there are very many firms competing against each other. Every firm is so tiny in relation to the entire trade that has no power to manipulate price. It is a ‘price taker’. At the other end is monopoly, where there is just a single firm in the industry, and for this reason no competition from inside the industry. Perfect competition e.g. Marks Spencer, they have many competitors such as, Asda, Next

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How to Write an Expository Essay about Solar Energy

What should you do if you have never read a single sentence about solar energy and have no interest in it whatsoever, but still have to write an expository paper about it for your class? First of all, don’t panic and don’t wonder if you have missed something during your course – everything goes according to plan. You are, most likely, not supposed to know much about the topic you have to write on – the very nature of your assignment presupposes that you should investigate it, define your point and write an argument on it. Some people may say that it doesn’t differ in any significant way from research and argumentative essays. This classification, however, has been created long ago and is unlikely to be cancelled anytime soon, so you should better learn how to differentiate between these types of academic papers. The main distinctive feature of expository essays is the fact that you should present the subject, the experience or the idea in question i n a concise manner, devoiding any kind of criticism. You are expected to recount other people’s ideas, or simply expose something without trying to give it any estimate yourself. Study Expository Essay Examples before Starting out It is not all that difficult to find examples to use as a starting point of your own writing; it is much harder, however, to find good examples. Try to look for the sources that have been around for a long time and take any recommendations with a grain of salt – even if somebody received first-rate expository essay examples from this or that online essay repository it doesn’t mean that all the papers kept in their database are equally well-written. Writing Your Own Essay on Solar Energy First of all, make sure you understand the nature of expository essays correctly. You should explain your topic to the reader in as few words as possible without making any personal conclusions. It means that, unless you have been given a particular topic by your tutor, you should try and narrow it down. While you will have hard time explaining everything that can possibly be explained about solar energy, if you choose something a bit less general everything is going to be fine – take, for example, the practical use of solar energy and its history, or the state of solar energy usage in different countries of the world and its prospects in near future – in other words, something you can comfortably write about in 3-4 pages (unless, again, you have specific requirements). This way, you will still have an essay dealing with solar energy, but it will be different from the essays written by other students, especially those who choose not to digress from the nominal topic and write about solar energy in general. Another important thing is to find appropriate sources, depending on your academic level. The Internet is at your disposal, but the best source of information are still traditionally published books, so be ready to visit a library.